You can’t tell from this photo, but it snowed for a few hours today. It was even sticking for awhile. Today was hovering around zero, but yesterday was really warm – the thermometer in my van read 15C when I was leaving work in the afternoon.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Saturday, April 24, 2010
April 22, 2010
I’ve been super busy, so I haven’t had much time to keep daily accounts here . . . the photo is late being posted because Sam used the camera at school and then I couldn’t find the cord . . . The temperature has been between 4C and 8C pretty much all week.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
April 14, 2010
The temperature has been about 4C – 7C every day lately. It’s amazing how unbelievably fast the snow has been melting. The patio is now swept, and the wooden tiles are back in place. The lounge pads were brought out of the garage today:->
Monday, April 12, 2010
April 8, 2010
I’ve been bad at updating here . . . suffice it to say that the weather is warmer (averaging+5C) and things are melting . . .
12.04.2010: +9C today – I sat out on the deck after school and basked in the sunshine!
Friday, April 2, 2010
April 2, 2010
So, I’ve been posting pics every 8 days . . . not sure what’s up with that . . . . I was away skiing at Vuokatti last weekend with the school (and my 4 kids, of course). Stefan said the weather here had been warm and the snow had started melting. We got home Sunday night (March 28), and the temp dropped and it snowed overnight. Then it snowed again on Monday and again on Tuesday . . . the temp hovered around freezing. On Wednesday, it started getting warmer. The last 3 days, the temp has been around +10C and the snow is melting at an alarmingly rapid rate:-> I’m not gonna complain about the mud . . .
04.04.2010:+3C, foggy
05.04.2010: +2C, foggy and misty